Sunday, April 26, 2009

On Saturday was most likely the most amazing day of my life! I went to a Quince with my girlfriend and we had a lot of fun. I got ready for the party around 5:30 and got at my girlfriends house on 6:00. then her mom took us to the party. when we got there we found our seats and sat down to hear Victoria's speech. when she was done they played music and we pretty much just danced all day. when we were done we waited for our ride and while we were waiting for our ride we sat on the side and looked up at the stars holding each other. well I guess you can say wow thats romantic but the most amazing part of it was just getting to be with her and also when we sneaked to the back and climbed the stairs and popped up on the roof we were looking at the stars looking into each others eyes. sounds kind of cheesy but to us it was a wow moment. after the end of that day when I said my goodbye to her and drove away I realized how amazing and beautiful she was, how special she means to me, how I will do anything to protect her, how she completes me, and I think I'm in love and I couldn't be any happier.

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